BMX contest v Novi Gorici
Med 6. in 7. junijem se bo v novogoriškem parku odvijal BMX contest. Tekmovanje, sešen, druženje, muzika, hrana, pijača, nagrade, after party, ni da ni. In ker se pričakuje mednarodno udeležbo, bo tokratnji opis v angleščini, pod njim pa vas čakata še 2 linka, kjer si boste lahko prebrali še kaj več (in se med drugim tudi pofočkali na FB eventu). Vabljeni!
The idea for Summer Session literally came about when a couple of friends went out for a beer. As cliché and stereotypical this may sound, it actually worked.
We invite all BMX riders from far and near by to join us. On Friday, the 6th of June it’s all day free practice, so you can get familiar with the lines in the park. On Saturday, 7th of June the fun begins:
- 10:00 – 15:00 free practice
- 15:00 – 16:00 qualifications for under 18
- 16:00 – 18:00 qualifications for 18+
- 18:00 – 19:00 finals for under 18
- 19:00 – 21:00 finals for 18+
- 21:30 Awards
- 22:00 after party club Mostovna
As you probably figured out, riders will be separated into two groups. Riders under 18 will compete against each other just as the riders who are over 18. We have decided for a different approach when it comes to judging who is the best rider in both groups. After qualifications we will hand out a leaflet to each rider that will have all rider’s names on it, so they can vote for their best 10 riders. This voting will be repeated after finals for each group. Nobody knows better what a good style of riding is and which trick is harder to perform than the rider himself. No judges, just “rider to rider respect”. We truly believe that riding is not just about who can pull the gnarliest line, but also about having fun, meeting new people and exploring the environment on a BMX bike. With this kind of judging, riders will have to get familiar with each other when they fill out the leaflets.
The three winning riders over 18 will receive money awards (1st. place 500 € 2nd. place 300 € and 3rd. place 200 €). For the winning three under 18 the awards will be taken care by “We the People” and “Eclat” with practical goodies.