August 14, 2023   //   By:   //   Vsebine, Skate, Domače novice, Novice   //   No Comment

Soon, very soon, we will see each other again at the 2023 edition of the legendary skate event called Pendrek Contest. According to the good old tradition, it will be once again hosted in the Koper skatepark

And since this year we will be hanging out for 3 days in a row (August 25-27), let’s take a look at the schedule:

  • Friday, August 25:

Friday is the day when we start gathering and having relaxed evening session, chilling and DJ music which will be until late afternoon provided by CH!LL. We skate from 14:00 until late evening and in between there will be some fun with a tapping competition and a snake run in the park – also for the youngest.

  • Saturday, August 26:

The day we all skate. We will start with the registration fees at 11:00. The registration fee for the competition will be €10 (including a portion of čevapčiči and Cockta).
As usual, the legendary Pendrek Contest will be for girls, for younger boys and for seniors AKA the strongest category where the winning trio will take a cash fund of 1000 € (1st place 500 €, 2nd place 300 €, 3rd place 200 €).
Younger boys and girls will receive material prizes. Do not forget about the raffle (tombola) and of course finger skating for the kids in the miniature finger skatepark.

We are expected to start the qualifications for boys under 16 at 14:00. Everyone will have 45 seconds for their run. 8 of them advance to the finals where each will have a 45 second run and 5 best trick attempts.

The competition for girls will be held in a similar way but everything will depend on the number of competitors.

At 17:45 we will give awards to young guns and girls.

At 18:00 we will start with senior qualifications. Each competitor will have 45 second run. 8 best skaters will advance to the finals where each will have 45 second run and 5 best trick attempts.
Finals are scheduled for 20:00.

No one will stay hungry or thirsty. We are also looking forward to a wonderful musical program. DJ music selection will be provided by DJ Fogy, for laughter and good mood there is gonna be UM & Kuna show, and after the awards ceremony live concert by Penahena, Smacked and Uryan.
After the concert DJ program follows until 2:00.

  • Sunday, August 27:

The skate park will be open again for all users. We will start the day at 11:00. And when we are all really awake the action will traditionally move to the beach which will host water jump.
Don’t worry – we will provide skateboards and give the best skaters a couple of material prizes as well.

What about free camping?

There is a few options. You can drive to Bali skatepark (above Koper) which has toilets and showers too, or you can easily (in the evening) set up your tents right next to the action in the park – as the skater says “camp wherever you want – at your own risk”

Well we are all ready to spend another unique weekend that you don’t want to miss. Welcome to Koper!

The event is supported by Obsešen, Zavarovalnica Triglav, Cockta, Dok 7 boardshop, Klub KŠOK, Biradiski, Obala Riders, TT Decks, Slovenska rolkarska zveza (Slovenian skateboard association).

Video from the last year:

Kmalu, zelo kmalu se ponovno vidimo na 2023 ediciji legendarnega skate dogajanja pod imenom Pendrek Contest. Po dobri stari tradiciji ga bo tudi letos gostil skatepark v Kopru.

In ker se bomo tudi letos družili kar 3 dneve zapored (25.-27. avgust), si poglejmo kaj vse nas čaka:

  • Petek, 25. avgust:

Petek je, kot ponavadi, dan, ko se začnemo zbirat in seveda čas za sproščen večerni sešen, druženje ter DJ glasbo, za katero bo do poznega popoldneva skrbel CH!LL. Skejtamo že od 14:00 ure in študiramo rune do poznih večernih ur, vmes pa se bomo še pozabavali ob tekmovanju v tapkanju in snake runu v parku – tudi za najmlajše.

  • Sobota, 26. avgust:

Dan, ko skejtamo vsi. Z zborom in prijavninami bomo začeli ob 11:00. Prijavnina za tekmovanje bo znašala 10 €, v ceno pa bo všteta porcija čevapčičev in Cockta. Legendarni Pendrek Contest bo tako kot ponavadi za dekleta, za mlajše fante in za starejše, torej najmočnejšo kategorijo, kjer bo zmagovalna trojka pobrala denarni sklad 1000 € (1. mesto 500 €, 2. mesto 300 €, 3. mesto 200 €). Med mlajše in dekleta bomo podelili bogate materialne nagrade, vsekakor pa vsi prisotni nikar ne pozabite na bogato tombolo, najmlajši pa se bodo lahko tekom dneva zabavali tudi v miniaturnem fingerskate parku, torej parkcu za prstne rolke. 

Predvidoma ob 14:00 bomo začeli s kvalifikacijami fantov do 16 let. Vsak bo imel na voljo 45 sekund za svoj run. V finale jih napreduje 8, kjer bo imel vsak na voljo 45 sekundni run in 5 best trick poizkusov. 

Podobno bo potekalo tudi tekmovanje pri dekletih, vse pa bo odvisno od števila prijavljenih. 

Predvidoma ob 17:45 bomo podelili nagrade mladim in dekletom.

Ob 18:00 bo čas za kvalifikacije starejših. 45 sekundni run ter 8 finalistov, kjer bo imel vsak poleg runa še 5 best trick poizkusov. Finale je predviden ob 20:00.

Nihče ne bo ostal ne lačen in ne žejen. Obeta se nam tudi pester glasbeni program. Za glasbo skrbi DJ Fogy, za smeh in dobro voljo tudi letos pričakujte UM & Kuna show, po podelitvah nagrad pa še koncertni nastop skupin Penahena, Smacked in Uryan. Po koncertnemu dogajanju nas čaka še DJ program.

Kot je to v navadi bomo zažurali pozno v noč…

  • Nedelja, 27. avgust:

Skate park bo ponovno odprt za vse uporabnike. Dan bomo začeli ob 11:00. In ko se zares vsi zbudimo in zberemo, se dogajanje po tradiciji seli na plažo, kjer nas čakajo skoki v vodo. Ne skrbite – skejte bomo priskrbeli mi in najboljšim tudi tokrat podelili par materialnih skejterskih nagrad.

Kaj pa brezplačno kampiranje?

Opcij je več. Lahko se zapeljete do Bali skateparka (nad Koprom), ki je opremljen z wc-ji in tuši ali pa si enostavno (zvečer) postavite šotore ob samem dogajanju parku – kot pravi skejter “kampiraj kjer ti paše – na lastno odgovornost”

Obeta se nam enkraten vikend, ki ga nočete izpustit. Vabljeni v Koper!

Dogodek podpirajo Obsešen, Zavarovalnica Triglav, Dok 7 boardshop, Cockta, Klub KŠOK, Biradiski, Društvo Obala Riders, TT Decks, Slovenska rolkarska zveza.

Video lanskoletnega dogodka:

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